Tutor Doctor provides one on one in-home tutoring. We recognize that the classroom setting is often unable to effectively unlock the true learning potential of each and every student. We want students to have a place to turn to help them grasp difficult subjects, get ahead, or even just get on track. We take into consideration the unique learning style of every student, breaking the classroom mold and offering a more meaningful experience for our students.
How is Tutor Doctor different from other tutoring programs? Tutor Doctor takes a holistic approach - with teachers, the school, parents, tutors and the student themselves to help them attain academic achievement. This unique program works to rebuild the missing foundation skills to help your child better master new concepts. It also provides services to help them get ahead, prepare for college or pursue other interests.
Another difference is that this tutoring program works with the student's existing curriculum no matter which school district they are part of, even if they are in private schools or are home schoolers. It is a one-to-one environment that gives them the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them building not only their foundation skills but also their confidence.
How does Tutor Doctor work?
Contact a Tutor Doctor Education Consultant directly and request your free in-home assessment and family consultation. This is a complete assessment, addressing not only academic and study skills but looking at the world around the student and determining what other circumstances may be making learning difficult. You will then be provided with your study plan, needs and pricing.
What about the tutors? In a one-to-one environment, it is important to have full confidence in your tutor. At Tutor Doctor:
- Tutors are pre-screened
- Credentials and experience of tutors, as well as personality and goals, are explored to find the best fit between the tutor and student through our rigorous matching process
- No tutoring session occurs in your home unless a parent or guardian is present
Tutor Doctor advocates that every child can be successful, both academically and personally, given the right conditions. To do this, we build parents and students the right environment to help them achieve academic success.